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Supporting material for: "Event-related potential datasets based on three-stimulus paradigm".

Dataset type: ElectroEncephaloGraphy(EEG)
Data released on November 20, 2014

Vareka L; Bruha P; Moucek R (2014): Supporting material for: "Event-related potential datasets based on three-stimulus paradigm". GigaScience Database.


The event-related potentials technique is widely used in cognitive neuroscience research. The P300 waveform has been explored in many research articles because of its wide applications including lie detection or brain-computer interfaces. However, a very few datasets are publicly available. Therefore, most researchers use only their private datasets for their analysis. This leads to hardly comparable results, particularly in brain-computer interfaces research.
This article presents the electroencephalography/event-related potentials (EEG/ERP) data. These were acquired using an odd-ball hardware stimulator. The visual stimulation was based on a three-stimulus paradigm and included target, non-target and distracter stimuli. The data were obtained from 20 healthy subjects.
The presented datasets together with their metadata provide researchers with an opportunity to study the P300 component from different perspectives. Furthermore, they can be used for BCI research.

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Read the peer-reviewed publication(s):

  • Vareka, L., Bruha, P., & Moucek, R. (2014). Event-related potential datasets based on a three-stimulus paradigm. GigaScience, 3(1).

Additional information:

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Table Settings
Sample ID Common Name Scientific Name Sample Attributes Taxonomic ID Genbank Name
76 Human Homo sapiens Age:21
Sex:female [PATO:0000383]
9606 human
85 Human Homo sapiens Age:20
Sex:female [PATO:0000383]
9606 human
86 Human Homo sapiens Sex:male [PATO:0000384]
9606 human
87 Human Homo sapiens Age:29
Sex:male [PATO:0000384]
9606 human
91 Human Homo sapiens Sex:male [PATO:0000384]
9606 human
92 Human Homo sapiens Sex:female [PATO:0000383]
9606 human
93 Human Homo sapiens Sex:male [PATO:0000384]
9606 human
94 Human Homo sapiens Sex:male [PATO:0000384]
9606 human
95 Human Homo sapiens Sex:female [PATO:0000383]
9606 human
96 Human Homo sapiens Sex:male [PATO:0000384]
9606 human

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Table Settings

File Name Description Sample ID Data Type File Format Size Release Date File Attributes Download
description of available files Readme UNKNOWN 2.40 kB 2014-10-15 MD5 checksum: 22ba220c1a4fc8a9d6c961821827aaa6
a binary file containing raw data EEG UNKNOWN 37.56 MB 2014-10-15 MD5 checksum: b9858fa70dc83954659ae6c2479aeacc
a text file containing metadata describing raw data in the .eeg file Text UNKNOWN 4.31 kB 2014-10-15 MD5 checksum: ed7deaa7c4f2ac2a147451a3a1937d10
a text file containing markers used in the experiment Text UNKNOWN 19.07 kB 2014-10-15 MD5 checksum: 1fec2ef26e8b1d3ee4bed2b5572e4682
a binary file containing averaged raw data related to the marker "D" (i.e. epochs) EEG UNKNOWN 83.60 kB 2014-10-15 MD5 checksum: 197afa2cc674b0aca137484861a05d86
a text file containing metadata describing raw data in the .eeg file related to the marker "D" Text UNKNOWN 5.83 kB 2014-10-15 MD5 checksum: 51484aa95c8c8c4cdd445ffa5e557896
a text file containing markers used in the experiment related to the marker "D" Text UNKNOWN 486 B 2014-10-15 MD5 checksum: c988ca48b0385518245b39fa369e69d6
a binary file containing averaged raw data related to the marker "N" (i.e. epochs) EEG UNKNOWN 83.60 kB 2014-10-15 MD5 checksum: fabeedfd32106d63975986861b847c37
a text file containing metadata describing raw data in the .eeg file related to the marker "N" Text UNKNOWN 5.90 kB 2014-10-15 MD5 checksum: bad8ba0cd4be27b28b0c548315b1d652
a text file containing markers used in the experiment related to the marker "N" Text UNKNOWN 486 B 2014-10-15 MD5 checksum: 6e2b21cc5075414580f86b030aa8d027
Date Action
October 19, 2015 File LED_04_06_2012_94-D.vhdr updated
August 16, 2019 Description updated from : The event-related potentials technique is widely used in cognitive neuroscience research. The P300 waveform has been explored in many research articles because of its wide applications including lie detection or brain-computer interfaces. However, a very few datasets are publicly available. Therefore, most researchers use only their private datasets for their analysis. This leads to hardly comparable results, particularly in brain-computer interfaces research.
This article presents the electroencephalography/event-related potentials (EEG/ERP) data. These were acquired using an odd-ball hardware stimulator. The visual stimulation was based on a three-stimulus paradigm and included target, non-target and distracter stimuli. The data were obtained from 20 healthy subjects.
The presented datasets together with their metadata provide researchers with an opportunity to study the P300 component from different perspectives. Furthermore, they can be used for BCI research.