biologia plantarum

International journal on Plant Life established by Bohumil Nìmec in 1959

Biologia plantarum 45:235-239, 2002 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1015144607333

Effect of NaCl and Polyamines on Plasma Membrane Lipids of Wheat Roots

M.M.F. Mansour1, K.H.A. Salama1, M.M. Al-Mutawa2, A.F. Abou Hadid3
1 Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
2 Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia
3 Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

Caryopses of a salt sensitive wheat cultivar (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Giza 163) were presoaked in 2.5 mM putrescine (Put), 5 mM spermidine (Spd) or 2.5 mM spermine (Spm) for 24 h and then subjected to 150 mM NaCl added to the growth medium for 15 d. Effects of NaCl and polyamines (PAs) on plasma membrane (PM) lipids, phospholipids, fatty acids, and free sterols were determined. NaCl treatment caused a decrease in total phospholipids, increase in saturated fatty acids and altered distribution of sterols and phospholipids. NaCl also induced increase in sterol/phospholipid ratio. PAs treatments (particularly Put and Spd) counterbalanced the NaCl deleterious effects on PM lipids.

Keywords: fatty acids; phospholipids; plasma membrane; salinity; sterols; Triticum aestivum
Subjects: fatty acids, salinity, plasma membrane lipids; phospholipids, salinity, plasma membrane; plasma membrane lipids, NaCl, polyamines; polyamines; root, plasma membrane lipids; salt stress, polyamines, plasma membrane lipids; sterols, salinity, plasma membrane lipids; Triticum aestivum; wheat, salinity, plasma membrane lipids

Published: June 1, 2002  Show citation

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Mansour, M.M.F., Salama, K.H.A., Al-Mutawa, M.M., & Abou Hadid, A.F. (2002). Effect of NaCl and Polyamines on Plasma Membrane Lipids of Wheat Roots. Biologia plantarum45(2), 235-239. doi: 10.1023/A:1015144607333
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