Molecular Regulation of the Mitosis/Meiosis Decision in Multicellular Organisms

  1. Judith Kimble
  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706
  1. Correspondence: jekimble{at}


A major step in the journey from germline stem cell to differentiated gamete is the decision to leave the mitotic cell cycle and begin progression through the meiotic cell cycle. Over the past decade, molecular regulators of the mitosis/meiosis decision have been discovered in most of the major model multicellular organisms. Historically, the mitosis/meiosis decision has been closely linked with controls of germline self-renewal and the sperm/egg decision, especially in nematodes and mice. Molecular explanations of those linkages clarify our understanding of this fundamental germ cell decision, and unifying themes have begun to emerge. Although the complete circuitry of the decision is not known in any organism, the recent advances promise to impact key issues in human reproduction and agriculture.

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