The WD repeats of Tup1 interact with the homeo domain protein alpha 2.

  1. K Komachi,
  2. M J Redd, and
  3. A D Johnson
  1. Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California, San Francisco 94143.


Tup1 and Ssn6 transcriptionally repress a wide variety of genes in yeast but do not appear to bind DNA. We provide genetic and biochemical evidence that the DNA-binding protein alpha 2, a regulator of cell-type-specific genes, recruits the Tup1/Ssn6 repressor by directly interacting with Tup1. This interaction is mediated by a region of Tup1 containing seven copies of the WD repeat, a 40 amino acid motif of unknown function found in many other proteins. We have found that a single WD repeat will interact with alpha 2, indicating that the WD repeat is a protein-protein interaction domain. Furthermore, a fragment of Tup1 containing primarily WD repeats provides at least partial repression in the absence of Ssn6, suggesting that the repeats also mediate interaction between Tup1 and other components of the repression machinery.


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