Investigation of conduction-band structure, electron-scattering mechanisms, and phase transitions in indium selenide by means of transport measurements under pressure

D. Errandonea, A. Segura, J. F. Sánchez-Royo, V. Mun-|Atoz, P. Grima, A. Chevy, and C. Ulrich
Phys. Rev. B 55, 16217 – Published 15 June 1997
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In this work we report on Hall-effect, resistivity, and thermopower measurements in n-type indium selenide at room temperature under either hydrostatic or quasihydrostatic pressure. Up to 40 kbar (=4 GPa), the decrease of carrier concentration as the pressure increases is explained through the existence of a subsidiary minimum in the conduction band. This minimum shifts towards lower energies under pressure, with a pressure coefficient of about -98 meV/GPa, and its related impurity level traps electrons as it reaches the band gap and approaches the Fermi level. The pressure value at which the electron trapping starts is shown to depend on the electron concentration at ambient pressure and the dimensionality of the electron gas. At low pressures the electron mobility increases under pressure for both three- and two-dimensional electrons, the increase rate being higher for two-dimensional electrons, which is shown to be coherent with previous scattering mechanisms models. The phase transition from the semiconductor layered phase to the metallic sodium chloride phase is observed as a drop in resistivity around 105 kbar, but above 40 kbar a sharp nonreversible increase of the carrier concentration is observed, which is attributed to the formation of donor defects as precursors of the phase transition.

  • Received 20 December 1996


©1997 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

D. Errandonea, A. Segura, J. F. Sánchez-Royo, and V. Mun-|Atoz

  • Departado de Física Aplicada, Facultad de Física, Universidad de Valencia, C/Dr. Moliner 50, E-46100 Burjasot, Valencia, Spain

P. Grima and A. Chevy

  • Laboratoire de Physique des Milieux Condensés, UniversitéParis VI, F-75252 Paris, Cedex 05, France

C. Ulrich

  • Max-Planck Institut für Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany

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Vol. 55, Iss. 24 — 15 June 1997

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