J Korean Acad Nurs Adm. 2015 Dec;21(5):542-551. Korean.
Published online Dec 31, 2015.
Copyright © 2015 Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
Original Article

Validity and Reliability of the Korean Version of the Expanded Nursing Stress Scale

Kyoung Mi Kim,1 Kyoung A Nam,2 Eunhee Lee,2 and Geum Hee Jeong2
    • 1College of Nursing, Hanyang University, Korea.
    • 2Division of Nursing, Hallym University, Korea.
Received October 25, 2015; Revised December 08, 2015; Accepted December 09, 2015.

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This study was done to evaluate validity and reliability of the Korean version of the expanded nursing stress scale (ENSS).


Forward-backward translation of ENSS from English to Korean was conducted. The translated instrument was pilot-tested and administrated to 285 nurses who worked in five general hospitals in Korea. Internal consistency reliability was assessed using Cronbach's α and composite reliability. Validity was evaluated through construct validity with confirmatory factor analysis, convergent and discriminant validity.


The Korean version of ENSS showed a reliable internal consistency with Cronbach's α.95 and composite reliability .99. Model fit indexes for 46 items were validated by confirmatory factor analysis(goodness of fit index .82, Tucker-Lewis index .92, root mean square error of approximation .04), indicating suitable construct validity. Factor loading of the 48 items (.47~.88) and average variance extracted out of nine factors (.52~.71.) indicated satisfactory convergent validity. Some values of square of the correlation coefficient between factors (.12~.89) were higher than average variance extracted values of each factor (.52~.71) so that it partly satisfied discriminant validity.


Findings show that the Korean version ENSS has good reliability and suitable validity; therefore, can be used to assess and identify Korean nurses' job stress.

Nurses; Psychological stress; Statistical factor analysis; Translations


Table 1
Characteristics of Participants (N=285)

Table 2
Model Fitness Test Results from Confirmatory Factor Analysis (N=285)

Table 3
Factor Loading and AVE of ENSS (N=285)

Table 4
Intercorrelation with ENSS Subscales (N=285)

Table 5
Reliability of ENSS (N=285)


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