Original paper

Fossil ascomycetes in Quaternary deposits

van Geel, Bas; Aptroot, André

Nova Hedwigia Band 82 Heft 3-4 (2006), p. 313 - 329

published: May 1, 2006

DOI: 10.1127/0029-5035/2006/0082-0313

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Remains of various ascomycetes, mainly ascospores, have been detected during palynological studies of lake sediments, peat deposits and samples from archaeological sites. Many taxa can be identified to genus or species level of extant taxa. Ascospore remains may sometimes give indications about the palaeohabitat: for instance, Amphisphaerella dispersella suggests the presence of Populus in the vicinity. Among the identified fungi are several species of the Sordariales, which are valuable dung indicators in archaeological sites. Coprophilous fungi also characterise samples from the Pleistocene mammoth steppe.

