Original paper

Application of mineralogical techniques to gemmology

Gramaccioli, Carlo M.


Abstract The remarkable scientific advances in gemmology bring about a notable development of practical aspects in allied disciplines, especially mineralogy and physical chemistry. The cause of this progress can be mainly ascribed, on one hand, to the development of sophisticated instrumentation even outside the strict field of pure research, and, on the other hand, to the encouragement from distinguished traders in the field, where thorough certification of the nature of the precious stones in valuable pieces of jewellery is nearly always required by the buyer. For this reason, besides improvements in our knowledge of the principles of crystal optics, modern physicalchemical procedures such as Raman and infra-red spectroscopy, microprobe analysis, X-ray diffraction, etc. are becoming routine. Considerable progress in gem synthesis has also been achieved, and advanced theoretical work on various physical properties (e.g. colour) is being undertaken. Whereas the contributions of mineralogy, chemistry, and physics to gemmology are well known, it is surprising to consider that gemmology also may substantially contribute to the development of pure science, and this feedback of information may involve even theoretical aspects.

